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Off-off-Ivy: On Life as a Pseudo Academic

Professionally, I have come to the realization that I have forged a path wide of the red bricked university campuses of Harvard and Brown. I’ve wound up “Off-Ivy” as it were. I share an office building with no Nobel Laureates; my school has an endowment that is well shy of 11 figures; and nobody’s father’s father’s father was President of the United States.   Bitmoji graphic*             Still, “Off-Ivy” doesn’t quite capture it. The Off-Ivy-Leaguer may not call 600-year-old institutions their home, but they still fight over the same bunch of valedictorians as the Ivies, and they work on the same sort of destination campuses that feature prominently in charming university towns.              Here at Albany State University, by comparison, as it is with all low-to-mid-tier public and private universities, I suspect, I am Off- off -Ivy. We cater to a demographi...

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